Sunflower Facing Away
In Albums: flowers nature Philadelphia plants
![A sunflower facing the other direction, displaying yellow petals around the edge, broad leaves somewhat wrinkled, a chain link fence and some wires and trees and a builidng in the background](/photos/sunflower-facing-away.jpg)
Jul 9th, 2011, by Alex Zorach
People usually like to take pictures of sunflowers facing them head-on. But in reality, sometimes when we see sunflowers they are facing away from us, as this one was. This sunflower plant was an isolated large individual growing in a vacant lot on the south side of Baltimore Avenue in West Philadelphia, between 42nd and 43rd street. A few other weedy plants are visible sticking up in this photo.
Sunflowers grow readily on disturbed ground, such as vacant lots. Sometimes, merely scattering seeds is enough to lead to a thriving bunch of sunflowers. I wonder how this one got into the lot, if someone scattered some seeds about, or if it somehow got there by more natural means.