Golden Tree Pluots

Aug 2nd, 2011, by Alex Zorach
These golden tree pluots, PLU code 3610, were for sale at Iovine's Produce Corner in the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia, for $4.99 a pound. Pluots, a specific subset of apricot-plum hybrids, were developed by Floyd Zaiger, and Pluot is a registered trademark of Zaiger's Genetics. These are one of several varieties bearing the name pluot. Other plum-apricot hybrids not falling under the pluot umbrella are called plumcots.
This photo makes these fruit look a bit larger than they actually are. These golden tree pluots were quite small, about the size of a regular apricot. If you want to know what this fruit looks like on the inside, check out my photo of a sliced golden tree pluot, one I bought from this batch; that page also talks about what this fruit tastes like. Good, but not $4.99 / pound good, in my opinion.