Fig Tree at Night, West Philadelphia
In Albums: Philadelphia edible landscaping trees night

Jul 24th, 2011, by Alex Zorach
This photo shows a fig tree at night; this particular tree is located on the west side of 46th street, just north of Spruce Street, in the yard of a house. It looks healthy and is loaded with figs.
People normally photograph trees during the day, but it is a simple fact that we also often see trees at night. Usually, they are hard to see clearly and may be tougher to identify in the dark. In the case of this fig tree, however, the fact that the fig was planted out in an open area, was illuminated rather brightly by street lights, and that the fig has large, distinctive leaves and distinctive fruit, made it unmistakeable even walking by it in the dark.
I love fig trees because their distinctive leaves make them an attractive landscaping plant, but they also produce edible fruit.