Cardinal Plums

Aug 2nd, 2011, by Alex Zorach
This photo shows cardinal plums for sale at the Fair Food Farmstand in the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia. The plums were sold with a sign that read: "Summer time white sangria anyone? Try it, you'll thank us. Nice balance of tart n' sweet, weighing a little on the tart side."
Honestly, I'm not sure if this sign was really that accurate. After tasting these plums, I actually found them to be quite sweet, definitely more on the sweet side than an average plum. Like most plums, the skin was more sour than the flesh, but overall, I found them delightfully sweet and very good for eating, but tart enough that I enjoyed them a lot. In fact, these plums became a new favorite of mine once I tried them.
You can view a picture of a sliced cardinal plum that I bought from this batch. The flesh separates very easily from the pit, and although these plums are very juicy, they were easy to slice.
Also note the smaller, darker-purple plums on the right of this photo. These are a different variety with darker flesh.