SEPTA El (Elevated) Train, 46th and Market, Market-Frankford Line
In Albums: Philadelphia transit

Jul 10th, 2011, by Alex Zorach
This is a photo of the SEPTA el (Elevated line) train in the station at 46th street and Market street, on the Market-Frankford (blue) line.
This station is located in a somewhat marginal area, and much of the surroundings of the station look run down. However, I find that once you are in the station, there are some very pleasing views. The clock tower of the building in the background I find also imparts a certain grace to the surroundings, which combine both old and modern elements. It was a bright, sunny day, and the area looked very cheerful. Although much of this area is wide open to the sun, there are numerous scattered tall trees, like the one on the left of this photo, which also make the area more pleasant.
I also took a photo of this train just as it was leaving the station.