Large Heirloom Tomatoes in album produce
In Albums: food produce tomatoes

Jul 14th, 2011, by Alex Zorach
These heirloom tomatoes were for sale at a stand at the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia. They were grown in Lancaster county, PA, and were for sale for $4.99 a pound, which seems like a bit of a steep price for tomatoes. Given how large these tomatoes are, at this price, you will pay a lot for even a single tomato. Although I like the idea of supporting growers of heirloom varieties, I did not buy any.
I recognized a few varieties in here that I have tried, but many of them were familiar. The large pinkish one on the middle at the left of the picture is particularly noteworthy. This tomato has a soft texture and pleasing aroma that is almost suggestive of tropical fruit. I find that it is one of the better tomatos for eating raw and plain, like a fruit. I also like the variety, towards the top of the photo, with the pink tinge on a mostly yellow tomato. And I like plain yellow tomatos as well...they tend to have less of the acidic quality that the more common, familiar red-orange varieties of tomatoes have.