White Throated Sparrow, Singing, Mount Graylock
In Albums: birds

Jul 6th, 2012, by Alex Zorach
This photo shows a white-throated sparrow, singing, while perching on the top of a spruce tree. I took this photo very close to the summit of Mount Greylock, in Massachusetts.
This bird was oddly exciting to me; although it is a very common bird, which I see frequently, I am usually only familiar with seeing these birds in winter, spring, and fall. The top of Mount Greylock is quite cold, and supports a small area of boreal forests, which were the only location where I found these sparrows singing during my recent visit to MA. The nearby area also had singing blackpoll warbler, yellow-rumped warbler, dark-eyed junco, and winter wren, all birds that I normally only see during winter and/or migration.
This photo is also featured in the post Elevation and Climate: Visiting Boreal Forest on a Mountain on my tea blog.