Wild Rabbit and Mailbox
In Albums: bunnies

Jun 26th, 2011, by Alex Zorach
I love this photo, taken in the northern suburbs of Philadelphia, because it captures a typical environment in which wild rabbits are seen: on a lawn, next to the driveway of a house.
I love the aesthetic of this lawn, with the clover and other flowers growing wild. It is rich in biodiversity compared to the chemically treated lawns, and it produces more food for cute critters like this rabbit.
Some people consider rabbits to be pests but I think they are cute. I have had several gardens over my life and I've sometimes had rabbits eat things, but I've found that if you leave most of your yard as natural, wild areas, the rabbits will find plenty of food, and you will also support predators such as foxes which can keep the rabbit population under control.