Playground, James Buchanan Elementary School

In Albums: memories schools playgrounds

A mostly open concrete playground, with a brick school visible behind it, a few children playing around the edge of the playground

Jun 5th, 2005, by Alex Zorach

This photo shows the playground at James Buchanan Elementary School in Lancaster, PA. This is the school that I attended for elementary school when I was a child. I have rich and fond memories of this school, and looking at this photo brings up a lot of emotions for me.

This photo, taken in 2005, actually looks nearly identical to how I remember the school...the only thing that I notice that has changed is the small utility shed to the left of the picture: that shed was not there when I was in school. The area to the right, showing mulch, has a bunch of playground equipment, made of wood and metal, with things to climb on, slides, swings, etc. That section was not present when entered the school, but was built at some point and I got to play on it before I graduated.

The upper-rightmost windows in the photo show my Fourth-grade classroom, where my teacher was Mrs. Warner.

On this playground I played with a number of people who have become lifelong friends. I taught my friends how to burn leaves with a magnifying glass, and played a variety of make-believe games, usually associating more with girls than boys, and always with the nerdiest kids. I don't recall ever playing basketball. My favorite spot was the first stoop coming off the right of the building.