Sweet Cherries with Dark Stripe in album produce

In Albums: food fruit produce cherries

A bowl of red cherries showing a single dark stripe on each cherry, with one cherry cut in half, half showing the pit, both sides showing yellow flesh

Jun 25th, 2011, by Alex Zorach

I love cherries, and I am familiar with several broad categories of cherry, sour cherries, dark sweet cherries (like Bing and numerous other varieties) and the lighter-colored sweet cherries like Rainer and Royal Ann. I was surprised when I saw a new variety of sweet cherry for sale at the Clark Park Farmer's Market in West Philadelphia, on June 25th. I asked the stand selling them, and they did not know the named variety of these cherries.

This particular variety of cherry had a uniform bright red color, with a single dark stripe on each fruit. The interior flesh of each cherry, as shown here, was yellow. These cherries were sweet, but slightly subdued in flavor. I found them highly enjoyable. They were significantly sweeter than sour cherries, but less sweet than a Royal Ann or Rainier, and lighter tasting and less rich than Bing cherries.