Occupy Philly Education and Training Schedule Board

In Albums: Occupy Philly

A large whiteboard in a dry fountain, reading: Occupy Philly education and Training Schedule

Oct 18th, 2011, by Alex Zorach

This photo shows the Occupy Philly Education and Training Schedule Board. The board has been placed in a dry fountain.

The events on this board tend to start around 10:30AM most days and run to a last event at 6PM or 8PM. This board does not include all events at the protest: the general assembly meets at 7PM on all days, and there are also other events not listed on this board.

The events scheduled on this board (as this photo is not high-resolution enough to read them) include non-violence training, medic trainings, discussions on Philosophy and Goals of the movement, walking tours, marches and rallies focusing on specific issues, and various art and entertainment events such as poetry readings and a comedy show.