Large Heirloom Tomatoes

In Albums: food produce tomatoes

An assortment of large heirloom tomatos, all large in size, but different colors and shapes, yellow, green, pink, red, orange, some striped, some lumpy, some smooth

Jul 14th, 2011, by Alex Zorach

These heirloom tomatoes were for sale at a stand at the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia. They were grown in Lancaster county, PA, and were for sale for $4.99 a pound, which seems like a bit of a steep price for tomatoes. Given how large these tomatoes are, at this price, you will pay a lot for even a single tomato. Although I like the idea of supporting growers of heirloom varieties, I did not buy any.

I recognized a few varieties in here that I have tried, but many of them were familiar. The large pinkish one on the middle at the left of the picture is particularly noteworthy. This tomato has a soft texture and pleasing aroma that is almost suggestive of tropical fruit. I find that it is one of the better tomatos for eating raw and plain, like a fruit. I also like the variety, towards the top of the photo, with the pink tinge on a mostly yellow tomato. And I like plain yellow tomatos as well...they tend to have less of the acidic quality that the more common, familiar red-orange varieties of tomatoes have.