Bieber Bus
In Albums: Philadelphia transit
![A coach bus parked in a parking lot in a city, with BIEBER written on the side](/photos/bieber-bus.jpg)
Jul 5th, 2011, by Alex Zorach
This is a photo of the Bieber Bus (the term by which people refer to it), a bus run by Bieber Tourways. Bieber Tourways operates a series of moderate-distance buses which are useful both for long-distance travel and commuting, if you are unfortunate enough to have such a long commute. Their lines center around Allentown, PA, and go to and from various other cities. This bus is parked in Philadelphia, in Chinatown.
Incidentally, this bus has nothing at all to do with Justin Bieber. I often like to pose the question of whether people prefer Justin Bieber or the Bieber Bus. Personally, I am a much bigger fan of the Bieber Bus.